Category: 3D Printer Reviews

(exactly what it says on the tin)

3D Printer Reviews

Finally, Prusa takes on Bambu! CORE One review (and X1C comparison)

I know I’m a bit late with my coverage of the Core One, so you probably already got the gist of what people think about the machine. But because I now had a little extra time to use the Core One, I get to cover the things that might have been missed in the first round of content. I also happen to have an X1C at hand, and because you can’t really talk about the Core One without also talking about the X1C I’ll be comparing the two, and thereContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

Bambu Lab’s P1P First Look

Yeah, it’s pretty fast! This is Bambu Lab’s P1P, and it’s basically one of their “prime” X1C printers with a lot of the parts just stripped away that you don’t really need for running the printer – and then some. This one clocks in at 784€ including tax, and while it is an incredibly impressive printer, especially at the price point, it’s sort of a weird mix of decisions between keeping high-end features from the X1C, stripping away others that honestly wouldn’t impact costs much, but then including some upgradedContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

Review Formlabs Form 3+

Before we start, I feel like I should point out that the Formlabs Form 3+ is 4400€ just by itself, making it the most expensive printer I’ve reviewed on the channel. It’s also using the most expensive consumables of any printer I’ve tested so far, and all this can make the Form 3+ seem like it’s a really bad deal compared to simpler printers that literally cost 1/10th as much to buy and run. I’m going to keep making comparisons throughout the review to some of those, but the thingContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

Prusa SL1S Review

This is the Prusa SL1S – and it’s pretty fast! In fact, in most cases, it’s faster than every 3D printer I own, including filament-based ones. This is a resin printer, obviously. It’s also the smartest 3D printer I’ve ever used, to the point where sometimes it’s even outsmarting itself. And it’s also the most expensive 3D printer setup that I have, coming in at almost 2,000€ for the printer itself or 2,500€ for the bundle with the CW1S curing and washing machine, which you should definitely get if youContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

Chitubox vs. Chitubox Pro

As of today, the Elegoo Mars 3 is locked down to only work with Chitu System’s Chitubox slicer – and any future printers from any manufacturer will be locked down, too, as long as they are built on the Chitu ecosystem. The firmware running on these printers is set up to only accept files that are signed off by Chitu’s software, and while there’s been a promise of an “SDK” being made available eventually, we don’t know which conditions, restrictions, and license fees, that eventually, you as the user willContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

The BIGGEST 3D Printer I’ve ever reviewed: The BCN3D Sigma D25!

I love it when companies are doing something that is different, something that nobody else is doing, and carve out their little niche where if you have a specific set of requirements, then this is it, this is the best solution to that. And the BCN3D Sigma D25 that we’re going to review today is exactly that – it’s a large printer from a reputable company, and it’s got dual extrusion with two independent toolheads that each runs on its own X-Axis. Oh, and did I mention how frigging largeContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

An (almost) perfect resin printing setup with one giant problem: Elegoo Mars 3 & Mercury X Bundle!

So this is Elegoo’s newest resin printer, the Mars 3. It seems like these machines are basically on an annual release cycle now, where it’s the same as with smartphones – new major release every year, and then a “Pro”, “A” or “C” version in between. But sort of alongside the Mars 3, they also released the Mercury X bundle, which is a set of a cleaning and curing machine that fits the Mars 3 and now finally, also the Saturn. The Saturn didn’t use to have any matching washingContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews

Elegoo Neptune 2 Review

Today we’re going to review the Elegoo Neptune 2. I didn’t even know that Elegoo had made a Neptune 1, I just knew them for their resin printers, but somehow, with the Neptune 2, they managed to make a competitor to the ever-present Ender-3 series and especially the Ender-3 v2 that is actually better in a lot of ways. But there is a tiny problem: Elegoo aren’t letting you buy the Neptune 2, which is puzzling, to say the least. This video does have a sponsor, though, and that’s ExtrudrContinue reading

3D Printer Reviews, Hardware Reviews

Can you really trust my reviews?

Let’s talk about reviews. You know, they’ve been an essential part of my channel and of pretty much every other channel in tech, but there seems to be a range of interpretations of how a review should be done, and, if you’re not doing reviews yourself on the regular, you may not be aware of all the different factors that play into the outcome, the bottom line of a review including all of the twisted and intricate details of how reviewers earn an income by doing reviews, like for example,Continue reading