Category: Build


Formnext 2019

Hey, what’s up everyone, this is not MKBHD, but I thought a format like this would work for reporting on a few really interesting things that I found at Formnext. I’ve been to way too many shows recently, so I’ll keep this one brief – and I’ll just have this one video with what I got to see in the 23 hours I spent in Frankfurt.


Building a Digital Dashboard – Software setup

We’ve already looked at how to mechanically build a digital dashboard based on DAKboard or MagicMirror², but simply installing the software or opening up a browser window on the Raspberry Pi isn’t going to be a great solution in the long run. Here’s the software setup and the modifications that I added to the regular Raspbian install to make it a smooth experience!


Building a Digital Dashboard

This is my digital dashboard that I just made – it sits on the wall right next to my desk and is just “always there”. I’ve got the local time, world time, well, I mean go by US west coast time, I’ve got the weather, my upcoming video plan and to-do on here and in the last two weeks that I’ve been using it, it has already made my work so much more efficient because it totally keeps me on track.


Making STRONG shelves with Topology Optimization

Today, I’ll take an absolutely boring part and make it interesting – shelf brackets. Using topology optimization with the free version of Autodesk Fusion360. If you want to have a computer automatically come up with the best geometry for a part that for example will support a given weight, yet use as little material as possible, there are basically two different automated design processes that have become pretty popular these days.