If you want to 3D print really large parts, you have two options – either build a really large 3D printer with its own rigid frame or use the frame you already have: Your house! And that’s exactly what the Hangprinter is doing: It’s a fully featured frameless 3D printer that uses the room it’s set up in as a frame and suspends itself from the walls and ceiling with high-strength line.
Tag: trinamic
How to make your 3D printer smart and silent with the TMC2130!
The TMC2130 is a stepper motor driver that is specifically designed for 3D printers – and it works so well that even Prusa is using it on their new MK3! In this video, I’ll show you how to upgrade your own 3D printer with the same driver and get some of the sweet benefits an.
Second look at the Prusa i3 MK3: Sensory overload! #TCT2017
The Original Prusa i3 MK3 certainly packs a ton of new features and sensors, but is it substantial enough of an upgrade over the MK2(S) to warrant an upgrade?
My favorite 3D printing hardware!
Some hardware deserves a bit of extra appreciation. These are my picks that earn the “Tom approves” seal!
Honest update: The finished version of the SilentStepstick
Watch the pre-review here Available from Watterott electronic
Honest pre-review: The all-new Trinamic TMC2100 stepper drivers!
Trinamic’s new driver chips are all the rage these days – but there are a few catches to them!