Tag: Guides

My 3D Printing Hardware and Accessoire Guides on one page.

3D Printer Reviews, Tips and Tricks

3D printing guides – Plastic destruction

Formlabs’ SLA printed sample felt very strong to my hands – find out how well it performs when being put to the test! I’ll be comparing the Formlabs resin part to prints from ABS, PLA and Taulman Bridge. Print settings for each part: – Formlabs SLA sample: Formlabs Form1+, Formlabs white resin, 100µm layers – ABS: Mendel90 w/ E3Dv6, 250°C, 60mm/s, far-east black ABS , Slic3r and 200µm layers – PLA: Printrbot Simple Metal w/ UBIS hotend, 208°C, 40mm/s, Printrbot purple sample PLA , Cura and 200µm layers – Nylon:Continue reading