Tag: CNC


Make custom PCBs with the Sienci CNC and FlatCAM!

I’ve always wanted to make my own PCBs – and with a CNC machine, a few tool bits and a few pieces of software it’s actually a super fast and straightforward process! In this video, I show how I used Eagle and FlatCam to create an isolation-routed circuit board on the Sienci Mill One, complete with a milled-out contour and all holes drilled. Discuss this Video on the Forum Components used DSP boardDCDCAMP Tools used SienciBitsEngraverBrushless spindleMakita RouterCollet adapter Software used EagleFlatcam

CNC vs 3dPrinter
Science & Technology

Why 3D printers can’t be CNC mills

Hey, how’s it going, everyone? Have you ever wondered why 3D printers and actual CNC machines seem to be so similar, but rarely you ever see anyone successfully using a 3D printer as a milling machine and vice-versa? Well, today we’re going to look at why that is and maybe at what a compromise could look like to handle both!