Today we unbox and try out what has been touted as “The best 3D printer” by many – but will it perform?
Tag: build
Live: Building the Original Prusa i3 MK3!
The assembled Prusa i3 MK3 printed well, but the big selling point – the new sensors – didn’t perform as expected. Today we check out how easy the MK3 is to assemble and whether the kit is “smarter” while still printing as nicely!
Live: Unboxing the Prusa MK3!
It’s Christmas eve! What better way to spend it than unboxing a gift that keeps on giving – the Original Prusa i3 MK3! Today we’re only unboxing the assembled one, but we’ll also build the full kit very soon!
Building a Hangprinter!
If you want to 3D print really large parts, you have two options – either build a really large 3D printer with its own rigid frame or use the frame you already have: Your house! And that’s exactly what the Hangprinter is doing: It’s a fully featured frameless 3D printer that uses the room it’s set up in as a frame and suspends itself from the walls and ceiling with high-strength line.
Live: Retrying the Sienci Mill One!
The last stream on the $399 Sienci Mill One ended, uhm… abruptly. Let’s try again and get this thing milling!